Badabetara: May 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sriramacharita Manasa in our village

Kalasa Puja

Pandita Gangadhar Panda and his associate Prashanta

Pandita Gangadhar Panda

Pandita Nimai Charan Kar

From Akshaya Trutiya to Baisakha Purnima  so many holy events occured in our village. Sriramacharita Manasa Parayana and Prabachana with Biswashanti Mahayagyan held in our village. Pandita Gangadhara Panda is the main Prabakta in the Prabachana. Pandita Nimai Charan Kar also gave valuable Prabachana on Sri Ramacharita. In the last day Swami Asimananda Saraswati was present and gave his Ashirbachana to the villagers. The total event was organized by Harihar Tripathy and Tapasaranjan Tripathy with the help of villagers of Badabetara.